Capital Advisors Limited
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“Nawitka is a smart, savvy, high integrity firm with an extraordinary combination of deep market knowledge, practical hands-on experience and extensive global connections. This makes them an outstanding advisor to clean tech management teams seeking expert advice on growth, strategy and capital markets.”
Jonathan Rhone, CEO, Axine Water Technologies, Chair, British Columbia Cleantech CEO Alliance (former CEO Nexterra Systems Corp)
“The Nawitka Team is unique in the combination of its expertise in capital markets, understanding of emerging technologies, insight into the forest industry and global network of partners. It is the reason we chose Nawitka to lead the developement of Canfor's new long-term strategic plan, and we are glad we did.”
Don Kayne, President & CEO Confor Corp.
“Don Roberts has consistently got it right. He has a unique capacity to ground his analysis in the immediate facts while situating it in the big picture. He also consistently does it right executing with great skill and integrity. We have been colleagues for 12 years, and each year my respect grows.”
Avrim Lazar, Convenor Global Salmon Initiative (former CEO Forest Products Association of Canada)
What the street says:
Selected Invited Presentations at Professional & Industry Fora (Since 2010)
Markets & Financing for Advanced Biofuels: An Investment Banker’s Perspective, Vancouver (Canada), May 2019
Future Demand for Biomass and Investment Potential, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Victoria (Canada), November 2018
Balancing Environmental, Economic and Social Goals in the Bioeconomy: Important Trends in the Forest Industry, MEGAflorestais Working Group Annual Meeting, Storforsen (Sweden) June 2018
Canada’s Forest Products Industry: Issues to Consider, Forest Products Association of Canada, Gatineau (Canada), May 2018
Structural Changes in the Bio-Products Sector: An Investment Perspective (Keynote), New Value of Bioeconomy Seminar, Pellervo Economic Research PTT, Helsinki (Finland), November 2017
Policy Driving Innovation, SPARKS 2017, Connecting Innovators & Advancing Technology, Edmonton (Canada), November 2017
Thoughts on the Forest Industry of the 21st Century, Forest Stewardship Council General Assembly, Vancouver (Canada), October 2017
International Experience with Auctions for Renewable Energy: Lessons for China, China Center for Energy & Development, Peking University, Beijing (China), December 2016
An International Perspective on the Levelized Cost of Electricity: Reference for China, China Center for Energy & Development, Peking University, Beijing (China), December 2016
Bio-Energy & Chemiclas: Follow the Money, International Bio-energy Conference, Prince George (Canada), June 2016
New Developments in Green Growth Around the World, MEGAflorestais Working Group Annual Meeting, Xishuangbanna (China), April 2016
The Paris Agreement: Implications for Forest Industry, Energy and Forest Agencies, MEGAflorestais Working Group Annual Meeting, Xishuangbanna (China), April 2016
Access to Capital and How to Finance a Forest Sector Transformation, BIOFOR International 2016, Montreal (Canada), February 2016
Financing Tidal Energy: Lessons Learnt from Other Renewable Sectors, International Tidal Energy Summit, London (UK), November 2015
Bio-Refiing Projects: How to Actually Make Them Happen?, BIO Energy Expo, Toronto (Canada), May 2015
Opportunities in the Forest Sector, Sylvicon 2015 Conference, Fredericton (Canada), February 2015
Feedstock for Emerging Bio-Resource Technologies, Innovacorp Bioresource Forum, Halifax (Canada), February 2015
Project Finance for Ocean Energy: Issues to Consider, International Conference on Ocean Energy (Halifax), November 2014
The Future State of the Natural Gas Market in North America: Where Could the Consensus Be Wrong?, Study prepared for corporate client, July 2014
Two Key Trends in the Global Forest Sector: The Growth of China and Bio-energy, MEGAflorestais Working Group, Buea (Cameroon), May 2014
Key Drivers of Change Impacting the Global Forest Sector: So What? Our Natural Resources: Changing Faces, Changing World, Ontario Professional Foresters Association AGM, Thunder Bay (Ontario), April 2014.
Excess Capital in the Global Economy: If So, So What? Of Threats and Opportunities: Exploring Canada’s National Security Interests in 2025, Academic Outreach Program, Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, Ottawa (Ontario), February 2014
Progress and Barriers in Renewable Investment, Keynote Address at AMEC2013, London (UK), November 2013
What’s in Store for the Renewable Energy Sector? Global Dynamics and Financing Realities, Bio-refining Conversion Network Strategic Retreat, Banff (Alberta), November 2013
International Wood Fiber Markets (and Emerging Shocks), MEGA Florestais Working Group Annual Meeting, Bali (Indonesia), October 2013
Key Drivers of Change Impacting the Global Forest Sector, Who Will Own the Forests Conference, World Forest Institute, Portland (Oregon), September 2013
The Emerging Clean Tech & Renewable Energy Sector (and Implications for the Forest Products Industry), Residues and Resources Conference, Auckland (New Zealand), April 2013
Investing in Clean Technology: A Banker’s Perspective, Sr. Management Retreat, Environment Canada, Ottawa (Ontario), March 2013
Fueling the Transformation of the Global Forest Products Industry: Opportunities in Bio-Energy and Solid Wood Products, 2nd Annual Latin American Forest Industry Conference – LATINA, Sao Paulo (Brazil), March 2013
Economic Outlook for the Lumber Sector: Is a Housing Recovery Enough? Montreal Wood Convention, Montreal (Quebec), February 2013
Important Changes in the Global Market for Wood, China Forestry Association, Beijing (China), November 2012.
Financing the Renewable Energy & Clean Technology Sector: CIBC’s Perspective, Ontario Energy Association Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls (Ontario), October 2012
A Whirl Wind Tour of Investment Trends & Issues in the Global Bio-Energy Space, 2012 TAPPI Conference, Savannah, (Georgia), October 2012
The Solid Wood Industry in North America: Key Drivers Going Forward, RISI’s 27th Annual North American Forest Products Conference, Boston (Mass), October 2012
Clean Technology: Incentives & Financing, Caribbean Investment Forum, Trinidad, May 2012.
An Investor’s Perspective on Bio-Energy, World Bio-Energy Conference, Jonkoping (Sweden), May 2012
Macroeconomic Drivers & Financing: Current and Projected Financial Issues & Impacts, Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference, Washington (DC), April 2012
Building Blocks for a Sustainable Economy: A Financial Perspective, Globe 2012 Conference, Vancouver (BC), March 2012
Thoughts on Transforming the Forest Sector in Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Forest Products Association Annual Meeting, Halifax (Nova Scotia), January 2012
Where is New Clean Energy Financing Heading in Five Years? , Global Clean Energy Congress, Calgary (Alberta), November 2011
The Clean Tech Sector: A Banker’s Perspective, Canadian Clean Tech Summit, October 2011, Ottawa,
Global Trends in Wind Energy Finance, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Wind Energy Association, Vancouver, (B.C.), October 2011
The Competitive Landscape for Renewable Energy, Clean Energy: Backbone of a Sustainable Economy, Annual Conference of Clean Energy BC, Vancouver (B.C.) September 2011
Bio-Energy: A Critical Assessment, Presentation to the Government of Nova Scotia, Halifax (Nova Scotia), August 2011.
Re-invigorating the Forest Products Sector Through the Co-Production of Energy, Fuels, Chemicals and Novel Materials, International Bio-refining Conference, Houston, (Texas), September 2011.
Financing Clean Tech: Setting the Scene, VerdeXchange 2011 Toronto Green Marketmakers Conference, Toronto (Ontario), June 2011
Governments - Will They Stay Engaged in the Renewable Energy & Clean Tech Sectors?: A Global Perspective, Clean Technology as an Engine of Economic Growth, The Energy Roundtable, Vancouver (B.C.), June 2011
Status of Investments and Finance for Biomass-Based Energy and Sustainable Forestry, New Ideas to Scale-Up Investments to Reduce Deforestation, Increase Restoration, Energy and Employment, Hosted by Rights & Resources Initiative, Washington, (D.C.), June 2011
Hot Spots in the Bioenergy Space, Keynote Address, B.C. Bioenergy Network Conference, Vancouver (B.C.), May 2011.
The Thermo-Chemical Platform: Bio-Refinery Pathways to Drop-in Fuels, The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioprocessing, Toronto (Ontario), May 2011
Financing the Green Economy, Ontario and the Green Economy, Sponsored by The Mowat Centre, Corporate Knights and Sustainable Prosperity, Toronto (Ontario), May 2011
The Forest Sector in Transformation, Assembly of First Nations & The National Aboriginal Forestry Association Joint National Forum, Ottawa (Ontario), April 2011
Global Government Commitments to Bioenergy Subsidies and Incentives Relevant to International Forest Industries, Residues to Revenues 2011 Conference: Turning Bio-Energy Potential into Profit, March 2011 Rotorua (New Zealand) & Melbourne, (Australia), April 2011
Energy’s Role in Transforming the Forest Industry, Forest Sector Investment and Financing Forum & Bioenergy Seminar, Sponsored by the Food & Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Buenos Aires, (Argentina), November 2010
The Global Competition for Land: the 4 Fs (Food, Feed, Fiber and Fuel), keynote address at the Facing New Paradigms: The Forest Industry in the Second Decade of the 21st Century, Sao Paulo, (Brazil), September 2010
Energy’s Role in Transforming the Forest Industry: A Global and Latin American Perspective, Facing New Paradigms: The Forest Industry in the Second Decade of the 21st Century Conference, Sao Paulo, (Brazil), September 2010
Financing Innovation, Discovery 2010, Ontario Centers of Excellence, Toronto (Ontario), May 2010.
Toward a Sustainable Energy Future: Roundtable, Corporate Knights E3 Canadian Roundtables, Toronto (Ontario), May 2010
Energy as a Tool for Influence: Implications of the Recent Economic Crisis and Technological Change, Prosperity and Security: The Challenge of Uncertain Economic Times, Global Futures Forum Series sponsored by the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. Ottawa (Ontario), April 2010
The Effectiveness of Incentive Programs for Clean Energy: An International Comparison, The Canadian Clean Tech Summit, Ottawa (Ontario), April 2010
A Corporate Bank’s Perspective on the Feed-in-Tariff Landscape for Renewable Energy, Ontario Green Energy Act Finance Forum, Toronto (Ontario), January 2010
Transforming the Forest Industry: Insight from the Future Bio-Pathways Project,, Canadian Council of Forest Ministers Annual Meeting, Toronto (Ontario), January 2010